Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Google Adsense: Valuable Inventory: No content

I recently found a couple of my web app sites were no longer serving Adsense ads. These sites had been OK for years, so something has changed with Google Adsense.

Whilst I can't be certain it looks like in October 2018 Google Adsense moved the Sites option closer to the top of the Adsense page in a more prominent position. The aim appears to make sure the webmaster can add some code to their site and thus have control over the site. I'm not sure but it looks like an automated process recently went through my sites adding them to the site list. A couple of sites failed, however most were OK.

The sites that failed weren't immediately obvious. The Adsense showing on the pages simply no longer displayed. Checking errors on the page showed there was an error 403. I went and checked the ads in Adsense and they'd been deleted which meant the error 403 made sense as there was nothing to show.

The site also didn't appear in the Sites section of Adsense. Resubmitting the site now resulted in the site being rejected with the message: Valuable Inventory: No content.

From Adsense's point of view the sites don't have much content as they tend to be web apps, much like native apps on mobile devices, but using web pages. Whilst these have been OK for Google Adsense in the past, it appears they no longer are.

So far I've not found a way for Google Adsense to accept the sites so the only alternative is to use alternative ad services. These work fine, but I did like the convenience that Adsense offers. I suspect any review will use bots to check the page so there's not much I can do, and really, any time spent is probably a waste of time when there are alternate ad services available.

Kelvin Eldridge

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