Monday, May 11, 2020

Update to Victorian restrictions for coronavirus / COVID-19

Today's the day many of us have waited for, the easing of some restrictions. I think most of us could see nothing was going to change before Mother's Day as to do so, would encourage a very large number of people to go out and meet. Perhaps the best of ideas given the current situation. Yes, it's not popular but that's the way it needs to be.

Today the government has pulled back the restrictions slightly whilst still encouraging us to stay at home if we can. Today's announcement now lets us visit family and friends and have them visit us, up to five people.

For me the main restriction is the ability for family to see each other. I think this should have been possible earlier since most people I know are self isolating, so the risk has been very small. However, just because we're like that and many other people are, there's still a reasonable number of people who aren't and thus the restrictions.

You can find details of the Premiers announcement on the government's website.

One thing that has disturbed me a little today is Daniel Andrews has stated in Victoria "we've never had any restrictions on how far you can travel". I find that hard to believe. Police have booked at least one person for travelling to exercise with their mountain bike (later withdrawn). Feels like there's a disconnect between what the Premier has said, or not said, and what the police force have been doing. Not a big deal but at least we now know there's no restriction on how far we can travel.

I also found the information posted by Simon Love (State Political Reporter - Network 10) was very handy. I suspect this would have been the handout provided to reporters. If you click on the image your can view the information in detail and step through the pages.

I am honestly still confused as to what people can and can't do.

Can a person sit in a State park and read a book?

What does gathering mean? Can the up to 10 people gathering in public mean they can have a BBQ?

Can I buy takeaway and sit in my car and eat it?

When I see police in NSW driving police cars through parks and telling a person reading a book by themselves to move on, it just concerns me what police will do and how they will interpret the rules. After all, try to fight a $1,600 fine in court if you think you're not doing anything wrong. It's simply not worth your time or the risk where you might even incur a greater court cost.

If you're doing something where you're not in contact with other people there shouldn't be an issue, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to do it.

The statement from the Premier saying there's never been a limit on how far you can travel is only obtained by reporters asking questions. I don't think that should be necessary.

Kelvin Eldridge

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