Friday, April 15, 2011

Alert: Domain Renewal Group domain name expiration notice.

I and my clients each year receive a number of letters from businesses trying to get domain owners to switch to them. The wording is usually done in such a way as to make the person concerned. For example having Domain Name Expiration Notice as a bold heading at the top is enough to concern people. Over the years I've a number of clients ringing me concerned their domain is expiring. I've also seen a number of businesses respond to the letters not realising the are actually changing their supplier.

If you receive a letter like this you should place it aside and contact the business who is assisting you with your domain and make sure you receive confirmation it will be renewed. If you are managing your own domain, you should be aware this most likely isn't a letter from your current supplier.

In this case the domain was a .com domain and the current price I can easily get the domain registered or renewed for is around $10-$15USD per year. The offer in the letter is to have it renewed for 3-4 times as much.

The lesson here is not to overreact to letters like this. They are generally designed to elicit a response as all marketing it. Put the letter aside and contact your current supplier. Just pausing for a moment will save you money and possibly grief in the future.

Kelvin Eldridge  

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