Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free online privacy policy generator.

For those interested in a privacy policy for their website I recently read about this work developed by researchers at RMIT.

I ran through the policy generator, and whilst there are some things I need to change before I can use the resulting document, it does appear to help generate an appropriate privacy policy. If you have questions you may feel it wise to seek the advice from a suitable professional adviser.

Kelvin Eldridge
Helping small business owners.

1 comment:

  1. Do check the output from this service very carefully.

    One line that caught my attention was "We encrypt the information that we collect for the highest level of protection." For many people this simply won't be true. Is your mobile data encrypted? Are all your files encrypted. Is the data on the various online services such as Gmail encrypted? First often you won't know without some investigation.

    So make sure you don't make claims which are not true. When I see privacy statements which have obvious errors for me it damages the credibility of the company. The privacy statement should add value to your business, not detract from it.
