Thursday, September 17, 2020

Missed Aldi's shopping basket offer, don't worry, you can get them at Bunnings.

Recently I saw an article promoting Aldi's shopping basket that was coming up on one of their specials days. You know the type of news article design to grab your attention like it's real news. Some people complaining they should be free and others saying what a great idea. Is any of that real?

I certainly don't know but the advertising/article worked on me. When I go into Aldi I only need a few items and a basket would enable me to empty the items at the checkout and put them straight back into the basket after they've been scanned. Much easier than juggling plastic bags

Now as for the people who said Aldi should provided shopping baskets for free like other supermarkets, the point is you can take the basket with you, it's yours. It folds up so it doesn't take up much room in the car.

Of I went to check out the local Aldi when the special came out and they were all gone. But you know what, that's OK. I'd already checked out the brand, who makes them, where they sell their products and I found that Bunnings had exactly the same folding basket in green (a colour I prefer), but not blue or with the Aldi logo (something that really didn't faze me).

When I got home I placed an order online with Bunning using their drive and collect service and picked the basket up on the way back from Coles.

The good thing is the price was the same as Aldi, although until recently Bunnings did have the shopping basket list for $12.99. Also finding the shopping basket on the Bunnings site can be a challenge so here's the link.

Now is this really something I'll use, or will it just be another impulse buy. Things are looking good because I've used it already to carry some of my own items. Did I mention I got it to carry things other that items I buy at the supermarket, didn't think so. There's often times I want to carry things from the garage into the house as well as when we're allowed to see family and friends. I'll let you know down the track if it's a good purchase or just another poor decision.


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