Friday, April 01, 2022

Anaconda Fluid ebike no longer recommended as spare parts not available for purchase.

On my YouTube video review of the Anaconda Fluid ebike I'd previously said I'd be happy to recommend the ebike. Last night that all changed.

I went to the Anaconda Bayswater store to purchase a new set of brake pads for the Anaconda Fluid ebike. I asked the people in the bike section and they said I couldn't buy the brake pads. They don't keep brake pads for retail sale and I'd have to pay for the bike to be serviced to get the brake pads replaced.

Personally I find that disappointing. I find it hard to believe a part that should be readily available for purchase isn't and a more expensive service would be required to get the new brake pads.

I decided to speak to the manager and spoke to a temporary manager. I was told there were no parts and a special order would need to be raised. They don't have the parts for retail sale. Whilst they're one of the largest Anaconda stores they don't hold a large range of parts.

To say I'm disappointed with Anaconda is an understatement. I felt comfortable buying with a larger brand store and their website led me to believe spare parts would not be an issue. However this isn't the case. I really feel misled.

Given that spare parts for the Anaconda Fluid ebike are not readily available I am now changing my review on YouTube to NOT RECOMMENDED.

To me the good thing about user reviews is you get to find out what other people find are issues over time. I hope this review helps others to make a more informed decision. Once I find an alternative supplier for the brake pads I'll add an update to this post.

Kelvin Eldridge
Anaconda Fluid Ebike Review

Update: 18/08/2022
I wrote to Anaconda to provide my feedback that spare parts should be available even if they're only available from the website if it's not warranted for stock to be held in every store. Anaconda got back to me and sent a set of brake pads at no cost. I would have been happy to pay for the brake pads but I'm thankful for the brake pads but more importantly, Anaconda listened to me grievance.

Going forward I'll use the brake pads to find an alternate supplier so this isn't an issue in the future.

I can see that many companies will sell products online and if you use those companies, then it's likely you'll need to find spares and service from third party companies. Whilst Anaconda does have a store front it may not carry spare parts you'd expect them to carry to support their products. I could have had Anaconda service my ebike and the brake pads would have been provided. It's just I'd prefer to purchase the brake pads and install them myself.

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