Based on ads now appearing on TV and on the internet the government has ramped up promotion of their Child Care Assistance program.
Over the years I’ve heard a number of women complaining about friends who stay at home and put their children in child care so they can have the day off so to speak. It is hard to see that if a mum decides to look after their child rather than go to work they get no financial assistance, whereas if a mum goes works two days a week (15 hours) they can receive 50% financial assistance for the three days they’re not at work and have time to themselves. It is easy to see why people complain about being taxed when their hard earned money is then given to someone else to take time off. Most people would understand if you need to work then child care assistance helps, but when you’re not working should you be asking others to pay for your child care. Some may suggest the government benefit should only be payable on the days people work. It may even be suggested this doesn’t assist those who work less hours and need assistance during the hours when they’re working, but hopefully the government has that covered.
It really boils down to what the government has in mind and since most of us don’t have any control over what the government does, all we can do is to accept what they do. It is just a system and it isn’t perfect. In fact no one will ever agree with what is perfect as everyone’s opinion differs.
Over the years I’ve seen too many people being too proud to accept government assistance. When I was retrenched years ago I was too proud to accept government assistance and in hindsight it would have made things easier for myself and my family. If there is government assistance available to you then perhaps it is time to consider being open to receive it. If others receive government assistance that is our system and we shouldn’t judge them. If the system is wrong or too generous then in time it will be adjusted.
You can find the government assistance using Google by search for terms such as child care assistance, child care, child care rebate, child care benefit, or search for Human Services to find the Human Services site, which I think is the new name for the umbrella which covers Centrelink.
Kelvin Eldridge
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