Monday, January 12, 2015

Jindalee foundation spamming with Stepping up to Supervision emails. I do wish they wouldn't.

Personally I'm against this one rule for government and charities and another rule for the rest of us. Do charities really think if they spam they'll endear themselves? Just because they can doesn't make it right.

Of course they fully know what they're doing since they include this on their emails.


As a registered charity, the Jindalee Foundation is exempt from legislation relating to direct
marketing, whether by phone, fax, email or door to door. However the Foundation is aware
of its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen and will action any request to be removed
from the databases used to seek assistance for its work.

So fully aware and doing it anyway. I should state they used an email addresses harvested from the internet as one of the email address they used (I received two emails to different email addresses) is only published in code on the internet and is thus not visible except to scanning bots. The email has never been given out to anyone.

As part of the design of JustLocal I provide free advertising for the community. However I won't provide free advertising to groups that knowingly use exemptions that really should not exist. We should all have a single set of rules so everyone is treated fairly and with respect. Not rules designed for the self interest of certain groups.

Kelvin Eldridge

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