Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ruby Princess compared with Cedar Meats coronavirus / COVID-19 outbreaks in terms of percentage infected.

There is no doubt the Ruby Princess coronavirus outbreak has been devastating. I'm always aware when travelling on a cruise there's a probability of getting the norovirus, gastro, etc., but I don't think anyone would have anticipated just how bad the coronavirus would hit cruise ships.

There's been a number of environments where coronavirus outbreaks have been particularly bad. Often these are places where there's a considerable number of people in close proximity for a period of time.

I started to wonder how does the outbreak on the Ruby Princes compare with the outbreak at Cedar Meats. More specifically how many passengers were infected on the Ruby Princess compared with how many staff at Cedar Meats were infected, as opposed to how many additional contacts were infected.

According to the following article with the Ruby Princess there were more than 440 (let's say 440) infected passengers out of 2,700 passengers that were allowed to disembark.

So far (as at the 14th of May) Cedar Meats have had 64 staff confirmed with COVID-19. It was earlier reported that all 350 staff were to be tested. New cases may still be identified.

This now gives us our figures were can compare.

For the Ruby Princess as a passenger, the percentage of passengers infected was 16.2%.

For Cedar Meats as a staff member, the percentage of staff members infected was 18.3%.

This is certainly not the outcome I would have expected. I am sure there have been and are outbreaks that whilst smaller in terms of number, but percentage wise have been far greater than the outbreak on the Ruby Princess.

I don't know about others, but putting things into perspective often helps in making better decisions, to understand what is going on around me.

Kelvin Eldridge

Update: 16/05/2020
I thought I'd add the statistics for Newmarch House in NSW. According to their site ( there's 102 residents and as of May 13,  there were 37 residents ( who were infected. The percentage of residents infected so far has thus been 36.3 per cent.

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