Saturday, May 02, 2020

Sour Cream & Onion Stacked Chips - Pringles vs Aldi vs Woolworths vs Coles

My first experience with stacked chips was I just had to try out the new Pringles. So different and I wasn't disappointed. It's been a long time since I've had stacked chips (times and interest changes), but then I thought, why not compare the stacked chips from Aldi, Coles, Woolworths and Pringles.

How does Pringles stack up to the others?

The flavour of choice - Sour Cream & Onion stacked chips.

The test team - 7 family members.

Each family member had a pen and sheet of paper and asked to give their feedback on the various stacked chips labelled A, B, C and D. Only I knew which was the Pringles, but I paid no attention to the others.

What was their favourite?

Were there any surprises?

The results

Family member 1 - Me
A - Slightly chewy
B - Slightly light in taste
C - Smaller
D - Nothing stood out
Overall - To me all pretty much the same.

Family member 2
A - Good
B - Better than good
C - Not as good
D - The best
Overall D the best and C the worst.

Family member 3
A - Little salty
B - Good
C - Not salty
D - Not bad. Want more
Overall - D was their favourite

Family member 4
A - More salty
B - Subtle
C - Bland, smaller yellow biscuit
D - Sour cream and flavour, colour.
Overall - D was the favourite and C was their least favourite

Family member 5
A - Thought to be Aldi. Third choice.
B - Strong flavour. Second choice
C - Fourth choice
D - Strong flavour. First choice
Overall - D first choice, C last choice

Family member 6
A - First
B - Third
C - Second
D - First
Overall D was the first choice.

Family member 7
A - Fourth
B - Second
C - Third
D - First choice
Overall - D was the first choice.

Overall D was the first choice for everyone who had a preference. Interestingly a couple of people stated C was their least favourite.

Which chips were which?

A = Aldi - Sprinters Snack Stack Stacked Chips, Sour Cream & Onion, 160g - $1.59
B - Coles - Sour Cream & Onion Stacked Chips, 160g - $1.80
C - Pringles, Sour Cream & Onion, 134g - $4 (on special for $3)
D - Woolworths - Sour Cream & Onion Flavoured Stacked Chips, 160g - $1.80

When everyone was told the Pringles stacked chip was C, there was a surprising outcry of no way. Some saying that was my worst. Quite a few people were shocked. I was quite surprised by the response.


Whilst this taste test is by no means scientific, from out family members' testing of the stacked chips, the real surprise was the Pringles was the least preferred. The favourite by all six who had a preference was D, which was the Woolworths stacked chip.

Given Pringles costs more than twice as much as the other brands, and is around 16% smaller, the Pringles stacked chips did not stack up well. The Woolworths was the top of the stack.

I hope you've enjoyed the Sour Cream & Onion flavoured stacked chips taste test. Next time perhaps try the Woolworths brand.

I should add this taste test is not sponsored by anyone other than myself. And yes I did get to finish off what was left over. Something I perhaps shouldn't have done.

Kelvin Eldridge

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