Thursday, June 11, 2020

Financial support for student transport

I read the following article on how a mum in Queensland was able to get $433 for taking her own children to school. Now whilst this doesn't apply to myself or my family, I couldn't help feel it may be useful for some people we may know.

By using the links provided I found a similar scheme is available in Victoria. The site for Victoria includes a link to a map which helps you work out if the scheme applies to you. Basically you need to be outside the metropolitan area (as defined on the map), and the school is further than 4.8 kilometres. It doesn't matter if the school is private or non-private. Different schemes exist for different states and links are provided to each state.

Since I'd never heard of such a scheme and the mum who the article is about didn't know either, there's many people who may not know.

I help it helps someone.

Kelvin Eldridge

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