Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus - tips for handling delivered takeaway food at home

Today I read this article and I got one interesting point on handling takeaway food which I thought was worth sharing.


We supposedly know coronavirus can live for 24 hours on cardboard/paper, so the packaging on delivered takeaway food, which has been handled by other people's hands, may be a risk, albeit it is considered small.

The idea in the article was to have two sections of bench. One where food is initially put and then a second part of the bench where only sanitised food is placed.

For example you get a pizza in a box. The box represents a degree of risk. You don't want to open the box and then touch the food.

Place the box on the bench where unsanitised items are placed. Open the box. Wash your hands. Transfer the pizza to plates on the section of bench which is the sanitised section of bench. Don't touch the box again until after you finish your meal. If say you want to throw out the box first to keep things tidy, then you'll need to wash your hands again before eating your meal.

That's my take on what the article was suggesting and I think it is a good idea. A little extra time and caution in this age of the coronavirus is a good thing.

Kelvin Eldridge

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