Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Woolworths and Coles taking wrong direction with coronavirus.

Something is very, very wrong when you see scenes like the the following.

Source: www.News.com.au

Large crowds of elderly people gathering together to wait for the Woolworths supermarket to open.

The last thing we need is for business to create large crowds of any sought, but to create large crowds of the more vulnerable in our community, the elderly, what were they thinking!

Woolworths and I think Coles are pulling back on their home delivery and click-to-collect options, when in fact these are the exact options they should be expanding. Options that limit close contact with others is what is needed.

Perhaps it's pressure from shows like The Project suggesting a separate time for the elderly. Yes these shows put Woolworths and Coles under pressure to take action and be seen to be taking action, but sometimes you just have to think through the consequences of the actions.

There has to be a better way.

Personally I think home delivery and click-to-collect are far better options. Don't under estimate the elderly in our society. As an IT person I've looked after many elderly people and their computers and the elderly are quite capable at using computers. For those people who can't use computers, irrespective of their age, family can often help. Then we also need options for people without technology and without family and friends that can help.

Kelvin Eldridge

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