Saturday, April 11, 2020

Coronavirus social distancing rules: Can I go and visit a family member? Directions - Stay At Home

I'm starting to get quite concerned by our state becoming a "police state". Yes we have to social distance, yes we have to stop the coronavirus from spreading, but I'm sure most of us have seen on the news people being booked for what none of us would think is fair. Those that don't get their story on the media end up paying. Those that get airtime have their fine withdrawn.

Learner drive taking a lesson

Mountain bike rider going out to exercise

Man washing his car at a car wash

Our government needs to make sure they don't push too far or their hard work to date will start unravelling. People aren't stupid. If the government of Queensland can get the population of the state out to vote with no noticeable impact on the level of virus infections, people will start questioning the government if they become too heavy handed. As population we are all doing our best in difficult times.

If by running the council elections in Queensland there was the actual real possibility of mass spreading of the virus this would have occurred within 14 days of the election. The table shows 12 days and there rate of infections has actually dropped. There isn't a noticeable change in infections resulting from millions of people going out to vote.

As to the question of, "Can I go and visit a family member?", this wasn't clear so I decided to see what I could find. The ABC's website provides the answer which hopefully gives people peace-of-mind. Then if the police pull you over you can provide the information provided by the Prime Minister and clarified by the ABC. Although who really knows what each state and individual police force, or even individual police officer decide on how to implement the law. If you get fined going to court is likely to be costly and cost result in even more expense and possibly jail time. That's not the type of threat we should be living our lives under.

In particular the statement in the section titled, "Can I go and visit a family member?"

A family split across two houses can meet, so you can go and visit your parents or a sibling — although common sense probably ought to be used, and the usual social-distancing protocols should also be employed.

Unfortunately the world is a little crazy at the moment. Hopefully things will calm down.

Kelvin Eldridge

Update: 11/04/2020
After reading the news article on the man washing his car in a car wash at 1 am in the morning, I couldn't help feel that recording any interaction with the police at this time is a wise idea.

Update: 12/04/2020
In terms of "Can I go and visit a family member", the following is a link to the Victorian Government's stay at home direction. There's no mention of visiting parents or a sibling. This really does show how the Federal Government is saying one thing, the ABC is supposedly clarifying things for us, but in the end, we really have no clue. The police can have a field day fining people because the gotcha is "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
What appears to be important here is Part 4, Section 11, Point 3. You must not let others into your home except for the reasons listed. Family and siblings is not listed. The answer then is no.

Update: 15/04/2020
The Directions - Stay At Home No 3 expired on the 13th of April. It took some time to locate the new directions which can be found on this page.

The new Directions - Stay At Home No 4 now expire on the 11th of May.

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