Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Strange coincidences. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

Ever thought a coincidence you just discovered was so amazing you just had to share it? OK. I thought I'd share a couple of recent coincidences that came about because of the coronavirus.

The first was I was trying to work out the timeline for when Richard Wilkins was infected with the coronavirus. The following is the timelines I could ascertain from the media and other online sources.

Rita Wilson live at Sydney Opera House
Saturday 7 March from 8pm
Richard Wilkins meets Rita after the performance.

Rita attended Channel Nine Sydney studio on Monday 9 March.

Monday 16 March 7 News article
Richard Wilkins tests positive

Monday 23 March - Richard Wilkins Facebook account
Day 12 of quarantine still positive. - Indicates self quarantined on possibly Friday 13 March
Tested positive 9 days ago - Indicates tested positive result Monday 16 March as per news article.

Now for those who don't know, Rita Wilson is Tom Hanks wife.

The coincidence. Does anyone recall the name Tom Hanks character (Chuck Norland) gave to his companion, a volleyball, in the 2000 movie, Cast Away.

Yes. Tom Hanks volleyball companion was called Wilson.

The name reportedly came about because the volleyball was made by Wilson Sporting Goods.

I couldn't help feeling there may have been a little chuckle about Tom Hanks wife's last name also being Wilson.

As a final point, if you watch a video of Tom Hanks throwing the volleyball, you'll notice his fingers are quite wide apart. The fingers which become Wilson's hair are close together.

More recently I was saying the word influencer and influenza and couldn't help feeling with my rather slack pronunciation, the two words sound very, very similar. Even their meanings are close, one who spreads the word and one that spreads.

If there's such a thing as a good outcome with the coronavirus, social distancing is affecting the number of laboratory counts of influenza, which as the following article states, is down from 11,159 in March 2019 to 5,435 in March 2020, and that can only be a good thing.

I thought I'd share in case others had experienced such coincidences and thought they were worth sharing.

Kelvin Eldridge

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